Valentine's Day Countdown












Ahh, Sundance. We love it for the recognition it brings to Park City. There are some wonderful movies and documentaries and loads of movie stars. But... how do you enjoy Sundance like a local? I made a list:

1. Stay home. I'm not kidding. :)

2. Rent your house out on AirBnB and go to Mexico or Hawaii and enjoy the sun... dancing... across the waves. 

3. If you want to attend, your best bet is to come into town before 11am and park in the China Bridge parking lot. It costs, but it's a bit more convenient if you can get a spot. 

4. If you don't want to pay for parking, there's free parking & shuttle service every 10 mins from 7am-2:30am. Park at Richardson Flat, which is off of I-40, not too far from Jordanelle Reservoir.

5. The movies are not rated, so read about the movie before you go to avoid seeing things that... can't be unseen. Don't ask me to tell you why I recommend this, because we'll both be embarrassed. ;)

6. True locals enjoy laughing at the people wearing all black, walking around with a cell phone glued to their ear and smoking a cigar.


7. If you are only shopping at our store, you can try parking in back of our store (likely on the street) while you run in and out for a minute. 

8. If you have pressing jewelry needs during Sundance, find what you want on our website and give us a call and, if we're available, we'll drop it off on our way home for you.

I hope this helps you enjoy Sundance a little bit more. 


Ken Whipple




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